Friday, September 9, 2011

Day #105: Coloring Page

August 29, 2011

My sister and her little family came over for family home evening. And whenever they do that and she teaches the lesson there is always a coloring page. This is always how I color my coloring pages. That probably says something profound about my personality type or how my brain works. But I don't really care. This is just what feels good to me while coloring. 


Day #104: Sick

August 28, 2011

I wasn't feeling well, so I went home from church early. I think it may have been because it was my first day back on Citalopram on a higher dose, but I'm not entirely sure. I napped for a good long time when I got home. 


Day #103: Chalk on the Boardwalk

August 27, 2011

My friends invited me to an outdoor cinema that goes on Fridays and sometimes Saturdays in the summer. There's a popular boardwalk close by that is a hotspot for chalk drawers. And I had never bestowed my creative juices upon it before. So I made sure that we went this time, so I could redeem myself from the horrific Cannon Center incident


Day #102: Blueberries

August 26, 2011

I eat blueberries like normal people eat candy.


Day #101: Sketches

August 25, 2011

I've been doing sketches for my friends from theatre camp that are made up entirely of inside jokes. It's a lot of fun. 


Day #100: Fish Elephant

August 24, 2011

This day I bought my fish elephants. I really like elephants. And my fish. I think he likes them:) He definitely does not like my camera, though.


Day #99: Wii Fit

August 23, 2011

We also got a Wii Fit after visiting my aunt and uncle and playing on theirs. And I have to say I use it the most out of my family. Mostly because I'm one of the only ones that doesn't just play games on it. Also, I'm such a wuss some of the stuff actually does work me out.


Day #98: Doodling

August 22, 2011

Boring day. I got new sticky notes though. I have a superb plan for them, I just need to find the right person to carry my plan out with. I can doodle by myself, though:)


Day #97: Qwirkle

August 21, 2011

While my parents and I were in Utah this year we played this game with my aunt and uncle and cousins. It's actually a pretty good one. I recommend it. When we got home my mom bought it. This was the first day we played it at home and introduced it to the rest of our family. 


Day #96: Park

August 20, 2011

We went to a park and picnicked for my mom's early birthday. I was tired and not feeling so hot so I laid down on a bench like a hobo while my adult siblings played on children's playground equipment. That's a good family. 


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day #95: Window

August 19, 2011

I spend a lot of time sitting on my futon looking out this window. And by a lot I mean almost all. Some of my best pondering has been to this view. 


Day #94: Sushi

August 18, 2011

 I went out to sushi with a bunch of people today. Yay socializing. 


Day #93: Kitty!

August 17, 2011

I stayed the night at my friend Laney's house. She has the most adorable kitty ever! The night consisted of a billion movies, blueberry crisp, and battling Asians on Mario Kart Wii on WiFi.


Day #92: Free Day

August 16, 2011

So, it was free day at one of the local art museums that has a family interactive exhibit. My sister jumped at the chance to go so I went with her and her little family. I love museums:) Quiet ones preferably..


Day #91: Book of Mormon

August 15, 2011

So, I decided to try to read the Book of Mormon in a month, but I was already a little behind so it came to 21 pages a day. I kept along really well for a while. Then I slowly got more and more behind until it became evident that I wouldn't be able to do it at this time. It was kind of just a really bad time to try...


Day #90: Vivid Dreams

August 14, 2011

 I switched to Wellbutrin. One of the side effects is vivid dreams. Let me just clear this up: most fun side effect ever!


Day #89: The Cheesecake Factory

August 13, 2011

 Picked up my brother at the airport in Seattle. Then we stopped by the Cheesecake Factory to eat. I got the red velvet cake cheesecake. It was possibly the most superb thing of my life. It took me like five days to finish.


Friday, August 12, 2011

Day #88: Photo Editing

August 12, 2011

Hey! I'm actually posting a picture for the day that I'm posting..If that makes any sense..Anyways. I forgot how much I love photo editing. And with this blog I have a lot of photos to go through and edit. And usually a lot at once that I want to get through as quickly as possible. So I have just been clicking the automatic fix options on the version of Photoshop that I have. But all the pictures that I posted today I actually took more time on to manually make them prettier. With which I use a combination of Picnik and Photoshop. Whoo!


Day #87: Errands With Andrea

August 11, 2011

I ran a bunch of errands with my sister today.  One of which included going to a natural food market. And by the goat cheeses they have a few little goats. I thought it was adorable. As well as highly entertaining while browsing cheeses. 


Day #86: The Lake

August 10, 2011

Every year before school starts our ward has a barbeque by a nearby lake, and people go tubing and out on the boats and such. It seems like it's always cloudy every year when we do this activity. I don't ever really do much. But my mom makes me go to activities. Even though I don't have anything to do or anyone to be with. I took some neat pictures, though, and some with my Holga which I'm just loaded with black and white film for the first time! So I'm excited to get those prints back when I finish the roll. 


Day #85: Date With Sister Shigley

August 9, 2011

So since my young women's leader is moving on Saturday we went on a last date. It was sad and lasted pretty much all day and into the night...I'm going to miss her a lot.


Day #84: Sketchy Stuff

August 8, 2011

I've been sketching like crazy since being home. It's a little ridiculous how much time I actually spend doing it.  Especially on this day I made six sketches. I haven't finished all of them, though. I go a little out of order with that sort of thing. But I figure, it's my sketch book, and artist do weird things, so why shouldn't I jump around like I want to? Sounds good.



Day #83: Scripture of the Day

August 7, 2011

This one jumped out at me this day (Alma 32:23). That when speaking from the Spirit, even little children can say really profound things. Also, one of my young women's leaders' last Sunday. She's one of my three friends that I actually have here. I'm so glad I'm doing online school this next year. 


Day #82: Love Like A Sunset

August 6, 2011

I went to a bonfire with a bunch of people who I barely know and don't really like. Because I don't have real friends. But the sunset was absolutely lovely. 


Day #81: Dear Emma (You're So Great)

August 5, 2011

So pretty much since I've been home all I've done is miss camp, miss my camp friends, and miss Emma in particular. So I wrote her this song with all of our inside jokes. And posted it on her Facebook wall. Which was actually terribly more complicated that it should have been and extremely frustrating. Then after I finally got it all done the audio and video get off in the middle. Arg. Definitely worth it, though. 

  Don't expect to understand anything I talk about in this, by the way.


Day #80: So You Think You Can Dance and Goldfish

August 4, 2011

I have a lot of So You Think You Can Dance to catch up on..So I attempted to make a dent in my list of episodes. And eat goldfish while watching them. Pretty sure that goldfish will always taste like Emma now. 


Day #79: The Truman Show

August 3, 2011

I quoted or referenced this movie so much at theater camp, and I don't even remember why..So when I came home  and it was our current Netflix I was really excited. It's a splendid movie, and I definitely needed the rewatching of it.


Day #78: For Emma

August 2, 2011

Walking around the local shops there are names of donators and whatever else on the bricks on the ground. I found my best roommate:)


Monday, August 1, 2011

Day #77: Reunited With My Beloved Pudge

August 1, 2011

Oh, how I missed my little Pudge! He was so excited to see me when I got back in the wee hours of this morning!


Day #76: Seventeen Hours Home

July 31, 2011

 How do I keep surviving for 17 hours at a time in a car? I have no idea. 


Day #75: Zoo

July 30, 2011

Technically this was the last day of camp. But no one sees each other. Pretty much you wake up then just leave and if you happen to see friends in the lobby of your hall or outside you hug them fiercely then proceed to leave. I was already planning on going to the zoo in Salt Lake with my family on this day because I love that zoo more than the one in Seattle. But seeing as how much Emma and I were going to miss each other she came along with us because she conveniently lives in Utah. So the roommate shenanigans continued for just another day:')

I love elephants the most. And Emma the most. So this picture is extremely appropriate. 


Day #74: Tonight's the Night

July 29, 2011

Show day! We did well enough on our run through that after lunch we had free time which my friends Cameron and Logan and I used to go to the art museum right by the HFAC. Then we had two shows. This picture is of Emma and I backstage before the first show, I believe. Then we all partied at the Cannon Center. Then Abbey slept over at Emma and my room, but fell asleep long before we did. We ended up staying up until 5:30. GOOD TIMES. 


Day #73: Lars the Dino Goose

July 28, 2011

This is Lars, the dino goose. My friend Garrett made him, and proceeded to continue making him until camp ended with entirely tape. Garrett also takes the most awkward pictures. Ever. 

"It's a goose that's actually a dinosaur. It eats humans and poops out zombies."

Theater kids are the best.


Day #72: Writing in Margins

July 27, 2011

We had extra time for lunch on this day, so we went to Cougar Eat, then the BYU bookstore, then to the museum store. I bought this book called Happiness by Mary Ellen Edmunds (who I love) and started reading it backstage that day. I like to write in the margins of my books and take notes. Because that's what cool people do.


Day #71: Eight Bucks Worth of Goldfish

July 26, 2011

Emma and I bought this huge box of goldfish at the Creamery for 8 bucks together. We went between wondering if we could finish it in four days to worrying if it would last four days a few times. It became a lovely inside joke and definite future tradition. 


Day #70: Captain Crunch

July 25, 2011

It soon became evident that waking up for breakfast and walking to the Cannon Center for it in the morning was completely out of the question. So I began joining waking up later with my roomate, Emma, and other friend, Abbey, and eating cereal or other breakfast foods bought prior to that morning on the walk over to the HFAC. 


Day #69: Ducks

July 24, 2011

Sunday was pretty much the only day we had any free time at all. We got to sleep in, then we went to a student ward for sacrament meeting. Then we had free time until a fireside after dinner with Dallyn Bayles, which might I add I was freaking out about. So a bunch of us went out to play in this waterfall by our dorms and take pictures. Then after dinner a group of us sneaked bread out of the Cannon Center and went to feed the ducks:)


Day #68: I Heart Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery

July 23, 2011

Only at BYU theater camp.


Day #67: Monologue

July 22, 2011

So we had to find, cut, and prepare our own monologues to prepare for a monologue show on Monday. It was a tad bit hard. But still kind of fun now looking back. 


Day #66: Maddie!

July 21, 2011

My first friend that I made at theater camp!! Going to see The Hit! NO, TOPAZ, NO!!


Day #65: Chalk

July 20, 2011

So my friend, Cameron, brought sidewalk chalk. Naturally, I was crazy excited to play with it which we did after lunch at the Cannon Center. Little did we know that it is considered vandalism and although they were pretty nice about it made us clean it up. It was a sad experience, but a wonderful story. 


Day #64: Mormon Theater Friends

July 19, 2011

Yay for making tons of new friends! 


Day #63: Theater Camp!

July 18, 2011

First day of Crazy For You theater camp at BYU!! Pretty much we just auditioned all day, which was stressful. I hate auditioning. My roomate, Emma, said she loves it, though, because it's a like getting to do a personal performance. I think I should develop that mindset..sounds a lot more fun than hating it.


Day #62: Elf

July 17, 2011

Yes, I brought Elf with me to Utah and to theater camp on the off chance that there would be an opportunity to watch it. I wanted to watch it on Sunday, but we played Wii games altogether instead. Still fun.


Day #61: Dinosaurs!

July 16, 2011

So I was crazy excited about the last Harry Potter movie coming out. But I couldn't go to the midnight show because we left for Utah the next day. So when the idea to see it the next day in Utah with my brother came into my head I knew it was a brilliant one. And see Harry Potter we did. Then we walked around and found a neat little garden and walked into the lobby of a dinosaur museum and looked at the ones that we could see for free. Overall, a super effective day.


Day #60: My Castle

July 15, 2011

Making our usual 17ish hour drive to Utah. Ugh. We used to make this trip every summer. There's this cement factory that we pass by that I since I was little thought was a castle. We now call it my castle. And my dad had the song Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds on one of the tapes he'd listen to in the car so the two became my thing and are tied together in my childhood forever. My parents also call my Lucy which is part of the reason why Lucy in the Sky is my song. Here's the evolution of my name in my family: Kaylyn, Lyn, Lynnie, Lynnie Lou, Lucy Lou, and finally Lucy. 


Day #59: Packing Again

July 14, 2011

For each trip I went on in July my suitcase got progressively bigger..Leaving for Utah in the morning!


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day #58: Coming Home

July 13, 2011

It was finally sunny on the day we were coming home. Of course hahha. Ten hours home. On the way back we stopped at the Tillamook factory and I got some of this awesome sweet pineapple mustard for my family and my friend got fudge. It was a grand old time. 


Day #57: Last Day in Oregon

July 12, 2011

Last full day in Oregon and it was rainy and poopy almost all day. The sun was out for a little bit and we went down to the beach. We got delicious fudge and Thai food which annoying people in the restaurant. Funny story, though: So there's this big group in the Thai restaurant and it's mostly girls and one guy. We're sitting and eating all pissy because they're annoying and we hear a gay guy's voice and we're kinda like, oh, that makes sense, a bunch of girls and their gay friend. We all get up to pay at the same time and it turns out that the gay guy voice is actually a butch girl. It was kind of hilarious. 


Day #56: Sand Couch

July 11, 2011

Second day in Oregon! We woke up to realize that it was not sunshiny and happy like the first day, and was cloudy. Sad. We walked to this little coffee shop, then a bakery for breakfast. Then we went to the local strip mall where I managed to get a pair of pants that were originally $60 for $12, and a scarf that was $40 for $5 at Hollister. Holy crap. Then we went back to the hotel and finished watching a movie we had started the night before but I had fallen asleep during. Then we noticed it had gotten sunny and promptly proceeded to walk the beach where we found a giant hole people had dug earlier. So I made a sand fortress and my friend made a couch. My fortress didn't turn out so hot because the sand wasn't quite wet enough..but oh well. The couch turned our really cool. This lady walked over to us and started talking to us then her 4 year old daughter came bouncing over and plopped down on the couch and sat her two naked Barbies next to her. It was adorable.  Then she donned my fortress with a feather on the tallest tower which really made it so much more epic.Then we went back to the hotel and played Mario Kart Wii and watched more movies hahha.

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