Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day #56: Sand Couch

July 11, 2011

Second day in Oregon! We woke up to realize that it was not sunshiny and happy like the first day, and was cloudy. Sad. We walked to this little coffee shop, then a bakery for breakfast. Then we went to the local strip mall where I managed to get a pair of pants that were originally $60 for $12, and a scarf that was $40 for $5 at Hollister. Holy crap. Then we went back to the hotel and finished watching a movie we had started the night before but I had fallen asleep during. Then we noticed it had gotten sunny and promptly proceeded to walk the beach where we found a giant hole people had dug earlier. So I made a sand fortress and my friend made a couch. My fortress didn't turn out so hot because the sand wasn't quite wet enough..but oh well. The couch turned our really cool. This lady walked over to us and started talking to us then her 4 year old daughter came bouncing over and plopped down on the couch and sat her two naked Barbies next to her. It was adorable.  Then she donned my fortress with a feather on the tallest tower which really made it so much more epic.Then we went back to the hotel and played Mario Kart Wii and watched more movies hahha.


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