Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day #39: Hippies

June 24, 2011

My sister needed errands ran, and I needed driving hours {even though I'm already 16} so away we went a-venturing! Adventures with my sister are always the best. She wanted to go to the food co-op and I was excited, I really love that place. And it's a little far, so the drive was a good time. We got there and felt like the coolest kids getting organic and local food. Then we were comparing prices on honey, which was on the bottom few shelves. So we sat on the floor to find the best one, since it would take a bit of effort. In the words of my favorite movie, Up, "Take a bath, hippie!"

We felt like true Northwest Washingtoners.


Day #38: Last Day

June 23, 2011

Last day of high school ever. I was planning on going home and doing some introverted activities since it was nice out side and I'm artistic so that makes more a lot of options when it comes to introverted activities. But I actually got invited to last day of school fun. I didn't think I would, and it was just about at the last possible moment which is a little funny to me. My friend called me after the bell rang to see if I wanted a ride home because she didn't want to drive alone then asked if I wanted to help her make sandwiches and go to a picnic she was invited to. So I said okay. Turns out most of my aiming high kid friends were there. It was sunny and fun. We were at this park that has some farm animals then trails down to a river that runs through the county. There isn't much of a shore at this time of year, but it's still so pretty.

After the picnic I went home and did some of my introvert activities that I still wanted to do then went to Five Guys with my family which was the only fun, social thing I had actually planned for that day.

Those are all the good parts of this day. I don't want to talk about the bad ones, which the day was still rife with. In the end they probably..actually there's no doubt that they out weighed the good parts of my day. But that kind of happens a lot.


Day #37: Introvert

June 22, 2011

Last day of finals, exhausted, 3 out of 4 of my classes I had finals for, 2 of which I was genuinely worried about, headache, sad day, skipping youth group, watching So You Think You Can Dance with my sister and mom.. I really needed to be an introvert this day. After your last final and you are home free with just one half day left which is a say goodbye day a normal person would be excited and probably party with their friends. I was excited and also poop tired and didn't want to see anyone. I can definitely accept my introvert well.


Day #36: Finals

June 21, 2011

Every time it occurred to me that I only had one real day of high school left ever I became less and less motivated to study for my finals the next day. Even though they were the hard ones. One day so close to never having to go back, ever. When that thought keeps popping into your head the last thing you want to do is review mRNA, and logarithmic equations.


Day #35: Rock Garden

June 20, 2011

Recently when my parents ask me what I want to do for family home evening I really just want to get out of the house and drive, I don't really care where as long as it's a long drive and it's pretty. I love, love, love car rides. Probably more than the destination of them. Well, my dad's the bishop of the singles ward in our area and his ward was going to this rock garden that has sculptures from local artists. So that's where we went, too. It was the first young single adult activity I've been to since my dad became the bishop. The gardens were pretty impressive, I'd never been there before. My favorite sculpture in them was of a rickety train track curving up and breaking off. It was a lovely place.


Day #34: Doctrine and Covenants 78: 17-18

June 19, 2011

For youth group last Wednesday the young men and women went to on a temple trip to do baptisms for the dead. After I'm done showering and changing and such and we go sit back in the room with the font to watch everyone else go I always bring my scriptures and journal. It's so quiet in the temple I can get so much reading and studying done, it feels incredible. On this trip I was reading along and found this scripture with screamed out at me so much that before it I wrote "Dear Kaylyn," and after it I wrote "Love, Heavenly Father and Christ." I honestly read it and knew it was just for me right then. Like when I read the line in my patriarchal blessing that had never been there before. It screamed out at me that that was exactly what I needed then. I thought this an appropriate Sunday picture.


Day #33: Horny

June 18, 2011

So I went to a graduation party in a town about 40 minutes away from the one I live in for one of my Chitty Chitty Bang Bang friends. So into the usual car pool car we piled into for the trip. Turns out my friend who drives us got a bunch of stuffed animals in one of those claw games. I kept this one, an orange bull which he named Horny. It was a grand time twisting Horny into multiple different animal shapes during the long drive and playing with him in general. He's like the mascot of that car now.


Day #32: Spongebob and AP kids

June 17, 2011

So, you know how AP kids aren't usually AP at all, just a certain kind of kid? Turns out almost my entire AP US history class {which, granted, was about 15 people} was the kind that are more silly slackers. The other AP US class, which was the period before ours was made entirely of the kind of kids who are actually quite, do their work, and are serious about the course.

Due to a series of events {which our rowdiness was in no way a part of} we had 4 different teachers throughout the year. The last one was the only teacher who liked our period better than the period before ours. We all had a grand time together, including a discussion about Thomas Edison and light switches which quickly turned into Spongebob. You know, the episode where Spongebob and Patrick are trying to keep an egg alive and Patrick is turning the lightswitch on and off saying, "Life! Death! Life! Death!"

One of my friends drew it in my yearbook:)

Oh, AP..


Day #31: Nearing Summer

June 16, 2011

I exorcized the archives of this semester in my room. And all the papers I knew I wouldn't need for classes that I either didn't have a final in or I had already done the final. It made quite the pile. Most of it is AP US history, which that is from all year and consists of an incredibly large portion of this pile. It feels so good to clean things out, but it's almost a little frustrating to only clean some of it out and not all of it.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day #30: Put on Your Sunday Clothes

June 15, 2011

Put on your Sunday clothes when you feel down and out,
Strut down the street and have your picture took
Dressed like a dream your spirits seem to turn about.
That Sunday shine is a certain sign
That you feel as fine as you look!
Beneath your parasol, the world is all a smile
That makes you feel brand new down to your toes.
Get out your feathers,
Your patent leathers,
Your beads and buckles and bows,
For there's no blue Monday in your Sunday clothes!
-Hello Dolly

We had a temple trip today for youth group. It was a grand time. On the way home I noticed a giant bright orange moon, so one of my young women's leaders and I went to take pictures of it. It was like 10 o'clock. We went to this random unsold lot on a hill. I love that little lot. 


Day #29: The Bell Jar

June 14, 2011

I finished reading The Bell Jar in photographics class since I finished the final about a week ago. So I spent the entire hour and a half of class reading. And needless to say it made my day a little bizarro You know how when you read a book you think about it so much that things that happen in real life feel like the ones happening in the book? Not a good book to do that with. 

Although my day was incredibly..strange..I realized something at the end of the day. That it actually helped me accept my crazy. That it's okay that I don't like or want to talk to people, not specific people, just people. And other types of crazy. Granted, that had made my day kind of sad because I wasn't pretending, but it also made it incredibly honest. It felt cleansing. 


Day #28: Post Secret

June 13, 2011

This is what I think of you, Depression. 

I decided to take all the random index cards I had in my room and make as many post secrets as I could think of and just drain myself of everything possible that has ever been a secret in my life. Then I ripped them up viciously.  

Sometimes you need a little souvenir as proof.


Day #27: Sticker

June 12, 2011

I was sitting in church today next to my sister who is the secretary in primary. She was making slips for asking kids to give a talk or read a scripture in class and putting stickers on them so she gave me one:)


Day #26: Choose the Right

June 11, 2011

 I lost my CTR ring more than a month ago. So I finally picked one online and ordered a new one which took forever to get here because it was on back order. But it finally came! It's a little Noah's ark with giraffes, elephants, lions, wolves, alligators, and monkeys! I love it lots.


Day #25: Daisies

June 10, 2011

My favorite quote. One of those days. When does it become redundant to be one of those days when those days are almost everyday?


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day #24: Marc Johns

June 9, 2011

I abhor the word perfect. It seems to have followed me my entire life. Yet it is the one thing that I desperately cling to. Because it's the only goal I have ever known to strive for. It is so frustrating to be called perfect. I hate that word more than I hate anything. I would be the cause of it's grizzly slaughter if that meant it could disappear from my life forever.

{retrospect} I guess no matter how much I hate that word I would never be able to just give it up. At times it has been the only thing I know, or rather the only thing I can never know, which, yes, does make less sense. It's kind of like how some schizophrenics don't want to be treated because they are friends with the things they see and hear that other people don't. If that went away they'd be normal, yes, but they'd be so lonely; they've never known anything else. So as much as I hate perfect with every fiber of my being I can't get rid of it.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Day #23: Going For a Drive

June 8, 2011

It was a half day, so my sister came over with my nephew and we were going to go on a driving adventure.  My mom had the booster seat in her car, though, so we had to use the car seat which hasn't been used in a while. So my sister had to restrap the whole thing to make sure it was safe, and it's a complicated thing. Well, that took 40 minutes so I turned the car on and was just listening to music while waiting. My sister finally got the seat all figured out and whatnot way after we planned on leaving to find that the car battery was dead and the car wouldn't start. My nephew was upset we wouldn't be going anywhere in the car so we all went inside, had ice cream cones then played with bubbles in the driveway instead. 


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day #22: Holga

June 7, 2011

So I got a Holga camera for my birthday. The first roll of film a developed was entirely blurry and I realized that the camera came set on the action shot shutter which really peeved me off because I wasted a roll of film right off the bat. Then I developed my second roll and luckily it turned out pretty good, and so much better than my first! I was holding my breath this day when I opened the envelop with them in it. I was not let down by my hipster camera.


Day #21: Cake

June 6, 2011

 So, this kid gave my friend a giant cake for his birthday. Which was in March or something. And we were all eating lunch outside since the sun was shining. So we got a bajillion forks from the cafeteria and devoured it shamelessly. 

This is my theory of cake: 

So, my theory {which has pretty much been proven true on many accounts} is that cake and soup can cure any sadness. Any sadness that cake cannot cure soup can cure and vice versa. Break up sadness: cake. Plans ruined by bad weather sadness: soup. Dead pet sadness: soup. Left out of weekend plans: cake. Therefore, cake and soup are magical items of consumption.


Day #20: Personal Revelation

June 5, 2011

"I was reading my patriarchal blessing. I read this sentence and was crying before I had even finished reading the sentence. "They will learn to love you for what you are". They will learn. So they really don't already know. But there is still some how hope. And it says what not who. That means being so in love with the Gospel. Being of such high standards. Being different. Dressing different. Acting different. Being silly. They will learn to love me what what I am. It still is making me cry. This sentence wasn't in there before. I have never read it there ever before. I have read my patriarchal blessing tons of times, but I have never read this sentence. Exactly what I needed. Exactly. Perfect wording." - May 8, 2010


Day #19: Picnic

June 4, 2011

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang play date! We went to a park and had a picnic. The weather was lovely and we got iced tea, walked the boardwalk to another park, got gelato, walked to another park, then walked back and got local cupcakes on the way.  This picture only shows a corner of the park by the water. I didn't want to get a picture of the whole thing because there was so many people I didn't want to feel like a creeper, which my friends were already calling me a creeper:) There were so many giant groups of hipsters having barbeques. It was grand!


Day #18: Fransisco

June 3, 2011

A much needed girls night which consisted of each of us telling our absolutely biggest secrets. It was grand. I haven't had a conversation with anyone that truly meant anything in months. I have people who understand me. I have friends. During the night amid secrets, card games about marriage, and junk food a gummy bear was dropped on the frame of my bed and landed perfectly comically. I named him Fransisco because I name almost everything Fransisco because of the movie Elf:) He was a great reminder of even through the seriousness and sadness of the night what a good thing it all was. 


Day #17: Algebra Quiz

June 2, 2011

I finally took the algebra quiz that I was avoiding last week..well..I was mostly avoiding the quiz. Anyways. I felt really good about it after taking it even though I had been almost completely unprepared! Whoo! Pretty much the highlight of my day considering how much stress algebra 2 causes me. 


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day #16: Bare

June 1, 2011

Today I realized how inconvenient it is to not blog on a daily blog in almost a week. Quite inconvenient, indeed. It didn't help that my computer got a virus and that that was part of the reason. 

Anyways, today I got dressed then thought to myself, "It's a red lips day." So I put on red lip stain and liked the red lips no other make up look, so I just dusted on a bit of powder and a few swipes of mascara and called it good. Bright red lips aren't really daring for me {plus they make my green eyes look crazy cool}, but stark no make up is. So much so that I had to put on at least a tiny bit of mascara to be able to pull of the look I wanted for the day. 

Also, you may notice in this picture that I have a section of eyelashes missing. You can't really tell when I wear eye liner, and sometimes when I'm not people will ask me about it. It's a scar from having chicken pox when I was little. Cool story, huh? It's pretty much the only scar I have left. I bruise really easily, but all of the scars I get fade away.


Day #15: On The Go

May 31, 2011

Every time I go to see my therapist I have to travel like 45 minutes and be picked up from school early. But I love car rides and not being in school, so I am not complaining. After my appointment I asked my mom if we could get food since I hadn't eaten since lunch and she suggested Krispy Kreme because the closest one to us was in that city. I suggested something more foody and asked if she knew where a Haggens was because I love sushi, and I love Haggenese, but had never had Haggen sushi. She responded by saying, "Yeah, there's one by Krispy Kreme." Perfect! Sushi and doughnuts! Plus I hadn't been to Krispy Kreme in years. Also, I got an Odwalla drink, because I've tried Naked Fruit and really liked it and all Haggens had was Odwalla. I like Naked better. Next perfect thing: I love Oreos and they had an Oreo cream doughnut. How lovely!


Day #14: Lilo and Stitch

May 30, 2011

This day consisted of a hair cut {only an inch, but all the dead ends are gone}, friend cake, Lilo and Stitch, burgers grilled by my dad, and Yahtzee. Any day that includes cake and Lilo and Stitch is a good day. 


Day #13: The Producers

May 29, 2011

Day 3 of Memorial Day weekend {this is including Friday's festivities.} Pretty low key. Went to church, came home and cleaned like nobody's business {which felt really good by the way}, then I watched The Producers which I was really excited came next on Netflix. Except I realized that I got the wrong version. The 1968 version with Gene Wilder {which actually made it less disappointing} which is NOT a musical. Sad. Still hilarious, though. Although I do need to get the musical version still so I can become literate in musical.


Day #12: Shoe Penny

May 28, 2011

Day two of play dating. We left for Dennys as soon as the sun was up and soon felt the repercussions of an all nighter. Anyways, as you may know theater is very superstitious. One thing we do before a show is put a penny in our shoe for luck. I've kept all of my shoe pennies from shows in boxes and such things. I've also gotten in the habit of when stumbling upon a luck penny on the street sticking it in my shoe for safe keeping. People sometimes ask me if it's uncomfortable when dancing on stage, but you really don't notice it that much. You kind of just sense it. It's something to focus your nervous energy into. I put my penny from Chitty in my Converse. I feel like it keeps the camaraderie there while my new friends are off until the next play date. It's like a little secret smile in my shoe from them. 


Day #11: Play Date

May 27, 2011

Get it? We call getting together with show people play dates..see that nifty little play on words? Anyways, having such a crazy, crazy week was actually beneficial seeing as I didn't have time to miss everyone from the show! Needless to say, though, a plethora of hugs was exchanged upon everyone arriving at the play date. It was like we'd all spent no time apart. Everything was just as natural and fun as ever. It was hard to imagine not seeing anyone again for another week, especially after spending almost an entire 24 hours with everyone. It was a much needed get together. We all felt it. There are no people like show people.

Swag HON;)

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