Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day #31: Nearing Summer

June 16, 2011

I exorcized the archives of this semester in my room. And all the papers I knew I wouldn't need for classes that I either didn't have a final in or I had already done the final. It made quite the pile. Most of it is AP US history, which that is from all year and consists of an incredibly large portion of this pile. It feels so good to clean things out, but it's almost a little frustrating to only clean some of it out and not all of it.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

So... when you are an adult... there are moments of "I should probably keep this because someone will want this eventually..." at which point it usually ends up thrown away. Then end of the year comes and I think *crap* I really need that piece of paper...

Yeah... i think I'm stuck in high school. June = purge EVERYTHING paper. Perhaps it's just spring cleaning.

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