Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day #12: Shoe Penny

May 28, 2011

Day two of play dating. We left for Dennys as soon as the sun was up and soon felt the repercussions of an all nighter. Anyways, as you may know theater is very superstitious. One thing we do before a show is put a penny in our shoe for luck. I've kept all of my shoe pennies from shows in boxes and such things. I've also gotten in the habit of when stumbling upon a luck penny on the street sticking it in my shoe for safe keeping. People sometimes ask me if it's uncomfortable when dancing on stage, but you really don't notice it that much. You kind of just sense it. It's something to focus your nervous energy into. I put my penny from Chitty in my Converse. I feel like it keeps the camaraderie there while my new friends are off until the next play date. It's like a little secret smile in my shoe from them. 


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