Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day #21: Cake

June 6, 2011

 So, this kid gave my friend a giant cake for his birthday. Which was in March or something. And we were all eating lunch outside since the sun was shining. So we got a bajillion forks from the cafeteria and devoured it shamelessly. 

This is my theory of cake: 

So, my theory {which has pretty much been proven true on many accounts} is that cake and soup can cure any sadness. Any sadness that cake cannot cure soup can cure and vice versa. Break up sadness: cake. Plans ruined by bad weather sadness: soup. Dead pet sadness: soup. Left out of weekend plans: cake. Therefore, cake and soup are magical items of consumption.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Omit cake and insert gluten free cookies with milk... and we have ourselves the same theory.

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