Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day #24: Marc Johns

June 9, 2011

I abhor the word perfect. It seems to have followed me my entire life. Yet it is the one thing that I desperately cling to. Because it's the only goal I have ever known to strive for. It is so frustrating to be called perfect. I hate that word more than I hate anything. I would be the cause of it's grizzly slaughter if that meant it could disappear from my life forever.

{retrospect} I guess no matter how much I hate that word I would never be able to just give it up. At times it has been the only thing I know, or rather the only thing I can never know, which, yes, does make less sense. It's kind of like how some schizophrenics don't want to be treated because they are friends with the things they see and hear that other people don't. If that went away they'd be normal, yes, but they'd be so lonely; they've never known anything else. So as much as I hate perfect with every fiber of my being I can't get rid of it.


1 comment:

Andrea said...

I don't know if this is helpful at all, but I heard the other day that we should strive for excellence instead of perfection. Excellence is attainable--sometimes, anyway. And achieving excellence gets us that much closer to that perfection that we won't reach for a long, long time.

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